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RTV6: Plainfield businesses pay for commuter line to get employees to work

PLAINFIELD, Ind. -- Plainfield businesses have decided to band together to pay for a commuter line to keep employees coming to work.

The South Plainfield Connector was launched by the Central Indiana Regional Transportation Authority in 2012 using federal grant money.

That grant money has since run out – but area businesses have agreed to pay more in taxes to keep those buses running.

The town council approved the creation of the Economic Improvement District which includes 59 businesses south of US 40.

The owners of those businesses will pay more in property taxes, which will go toward an estimated $334,000 a year to keep the commuter buses running.

Last year, there were 28,000 one-way trips on the South Plainfield Connector

Business owners hope that by keeping the commuter line running, more skilled workers will find their way into the city. There are currently about 2,400 unfilled jobs in Plainfield.

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